How To Write A Letter Of Appreciation To A Teacher

Letter Of Appreciation Teacher

Want to really show a teacher your thanks? Find out how to write a letter of appreciation to a teacher that they will treasure for years to come. 

We all know that teachers have a huge impact on our lives, but some teachers are extra special. They are the ones who always go out of their way to show they care, who go above and beyond to educate. They make learning fun and personalized.

Life is busy and it can be easy to take these amazing educators for granted. That is why teacher appreciation day and week is so important.

If you are looking the perfect way to say thank you for teacher appreciation then be sure to stand out from the usual teachers gifts with a special and heartfelt appreciation letter to the teacher.

Keep reading to find out how you can create a a letter to a teacher for appreciation that really shows how much a teacher has done for you and how grateful you are.

Teacher Appreciation Letter

How do you tell a teacher you appreciate them?

Have you ever thought about all a teacher has done for you?

Often teachers buy supplies from their own wages. They work out of school hours to prepare classwork, mark or learn new skills to make them better teachers. Teachers give emotional support to students ( and often parents) through difficult times. They also work hard to make sure everyone in their class is supported while progressing and maturing.

One of the best ways to show you are thankful for all that they do is writing appreciation letter to teachers. This is because a letter is personal and thoughtful. It tells you teacher exactly what they mean to you and how they have impacted your life.

Sometimes a teacher may not even be aware of the effect they have had on you until you write a letter to them!

Not sure what to write in your teacher an appreciation letter? Let’s show you some ideas for your own teacher appreciation letter! Follow these easy steps and prompts to create a note that your teacher will love to receive.

How do you write a letter of appreciation for a teacher?

There is no right or wrong way to write your appreciation letter for your teacher. If you write your note from the heart then nothing else matters!

By taking the time to craft a well written and thoughtful letter you are showing how much a teacher means to you. Here are some ways you can create a teacher appreciation letter that will make a big impact on your teacher.

1. Plan Your Letter

In your plan you don’t need to worry about spelling or grammar just yet. Instead think about these things:

  • Be Thoughtful

Think about WHY you are grateful to this teacher. You don’t need a big long list of things. But a few big, standout reasons are best.

  • Be Personal

What did this particular teacher do to make YOUR life better? Think of specific events, moments or classes that really stood out to you. Also think why this stood out or made a difference to you.

  • What Is Special About Your Teacher

Think about what teaching style or qualities this teacher has that make them so special.

We have added lots of prompts in the next section so be sure to take a look if you are stuck for ideas.

2. Write A Draft Letter

Now that you have ideas about what you are going to write it is time to structure you letter.

A great idea is to just get all your ideas on paper to start with as the words flow. You will be editing later so don’t let spelling or structure interrupt your creativity.

  • Start you letter by using the name of your teacher as you call them in class. We suggest using Dear ( ie, Dear Mr Moore ).
  • Next, tell them why you are writing. So you may say you’re writing to say thank you, or wanted to share how they changed your life.
  • Then you will want to show them how they made you feel this way. This is where you add your specific examples from the plan you made. We suggesting writing about 2-4 particular reasons. This could be what about their teaching style  resonates with you, a time they really helped you or how they have inspire, motivate or help you grow.
  • Finally you want to say thank you again, and maybe how you feel their teaching will help you in the future or everyday life.
  • Sign off your letter. While technically starting with a name means you should sign off with ” Yours Sincerely”, you can also use”Gratefully”, or even simply Thank You.

3. Choose How You Are Going To Write Your Letter

Are you going to write a handwritten note, or write it on your computer/device and print it out?

A handwritten note is always extra special but if you find it hard difficult to write or just prefer to type then that is okay too. It is more about the content of the letter for your teacher.

4. Edit Your Letter

Remember you are writing to a teacher! Taking the time to check your spelling, grammar and punctuation. You can get someone to help you and proof read your letter if you are creating a handwritten note, or use your spell check if you are using a computer.

Some things to watch for are missing words, spelling mistakes, correct punctuation and grammar. Be sure that your letter is to the point and that you haven’t used too many unnecessary words and phrases. Long isn’t always better if it is full of fill in and meaningless words.

Also be sure you have written using first-person pronouns like I and me. This is a personal letter and the language you use will help get across your feelings and emotions.

5. Write Your Final Copy

Don’t rush and write out your final copy of your letter.

You can write or print your note on special paper if you want. Pick a color your teacher loves or choose a themed border you know your teacher will appreciate.

If you have printed out your letter be sure to personally sign it at the end.

6. Think About How You Want To Present Your Letter

Your appreciation letter will be a much welcomed gift but you can always hand it to your teacher with flowers, chocolates or other special appreciation gift.

If you are shy about handing your gift directly to your teacher then think about a place that you can leave it for them. Maybe hand it in with homework, leave it on their desk or drop it in their school letterbox. You could also ask a trusted friend to give it to them.


Letter of Appreciation To Teacher


Appreciation Letter To A Teacher From Student

Here are some prompts to help you think about what you can write in your teacher appreciation letter:

  • What were your first impressions of your teacher?
  • Is there a particular memory or moment that stands out to you involving your teacher?
  • What is something special they have taught you?
  • Have they changed the way you learn or see life in anyway?
  • Has your teacher helped you through a hard time or experience?
  • Do you think your teacher has changed you in any way? ( Maybe they have made you think of a different career, helped you become an avid reader or something else.)
  • What makes this teacher unique to other teachers?
  • How has your teacher shown they really care about you?
  • Has this teacher inspired you in anyway?
  • How has this teacher pushed you to achieve your very best? What did this help you to do?
  • What has this teacher taught you in the classroom that you have taken and used in other areas of your life?
  • Is there a particular topic that they helped you understand?
  • How have they boosted your confidence?

Appreciation Letter For Teacher From Parents

Teachers also love receiving teacher appreciation letters from parents.

As parents we can often see changes and growth in our child because of a teachers effort. In both younger and older children it can be that the child doesn’t see or understand what a teacher has done for them. This is when a teacher appreciation letter from a parent can really make a difference to a teacher.

If you need a little help here are some ideas and prompts to help write a heartfelt appreciation letter to teacher from parents:

  • Is there a story or event that your child came home and told you about that showed you how much a teacher cared?
  • How have you seen your child grow and blossom while they have been taught by this teacher?
  • What has your child achieved because of their teacher?
  • How has this teacher made your child feel cared for and supported?
  • Has this teacher helped your child through a difficult time?
  • When has this teacher gone above and beyond for your child?
  • When have you seen examples of your child taking what they have been taught in the classroom and using it at home or in everyday life?
  • How has this teacher pushed your child to help them achieve more?
  • Has this teacher helped make school life easier for your child?
  • What encouragement has this teacher given your child, and what difference did it make?
  • Is there a funny story your child has shared with you about the teacher or classroom?
  • Has your child conquered a fear or subject because of this teacher?
  • What particular actions or traits have you noticed that really make this teacher special?
  • What is it about their teaching style, or behaviour that really connected and made a difference to your child.

We hope you found this post helpful in writing your teacher letter of appreciation. Be sure to share your teachers reaction with us in the comments below!


Teacher letter of appreciation

More Teacher Appreciation Ideas



Appreciation Letter Teacher

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